Thursday, June 17, 2010

Teachers makie a difference

Newsweek has ranked Camden County High School among the nation's best for encouraging students to take challenging, advanced-placement college-level courses and tests. But what really makes a school one of the nation's best schools, public or private?

There are many things to consider including, the students, school facility, sports and the teachers. The Broach School is proud of everything in this category, but most importantly our teachers.

There are a number of different teachers out there from ones who do enough to just get by or ones who don't put themselves out there and participate in school events, but then there are also teachers who make their students their lives. That is what we strive for here at The Broach Schools. We have teachers who strive for success and care for students both inside and outside the classroom.

Teachers are what make a school top notch. Everything factors in and adds to the equation, but without our great teachers, The Broach School would just be another Jacksonville private school.

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